Thursday, November 3, 2011

Emotional Healing and Neuroplasticity

What is neuroplasticity? And what is neuroplasticity making possible?

Neuroplasticity is the brain's capacity to change or modify its structure and its function through mental experience. Neuroplasticity means that people are able to learn new behaviours, bringing us closer to the emotional healing that has eluded us for so long.

Learning new behaviours can eradicate modern afflictions such as low self-esteem, lack of productivity, unhappiness, and even depression.

How depression affects relationships is well documented, as so many families continue to struggle to understand what causes depression and how to get out of depression.

On the other hand, what causes depression is not as well documented. It is in part the inability to let go of past resentments and past hurts. People hold on to resentments and past hurts and are unable to move on and achieve emotional healing. How depression affects relationships can be seen when people continuously mull over their bad experiences, leaving little space for joy in their lives. This is hard for the family members.

For example, if a child is frequently told as she grows up that she is stupid, when that person becomes an adult she can either think that she is stupid and hold on to the hurt, or think that she is brilliant and leave these hurtful comments in the past.

Emotional healing can take place if we learn not to be affected by events that happened in the past. Without training, humans seem unable to discern between what happened and their interpretation or their emotions about the event. In the girl example, what happened is that in the past someone uttered the words: "you are stupid" several times. If the girl feels stupid, that is only a function of her interpretation. The fact that someone told her that she is stupid does not make her stupid. Holding on to a feeling of being hurt about what someone said in the past has a tremendous impact on our emotional health.

So the question remains: what can neuroplasticity address with regards to ‘what causes depression'? What is neuroplasticity going to bring to us? Knowing that the brain can adapt and change opens up incredible possibilities for us to overcome challenges and shape our behaviours in ways that were previously inconceivable. Neuroplasticity means that we can control and alter our reactions to the world. This includes the mechanisms to get out of depression. What causes depression is not so much what happens to us, but how we interpret what happens to us and whether we hold on to feelings from the past. Understanding this opens the possibility for us to choose different patterns to get out of depression.

What is neuroplasticity making possible? It creates the ability to eradicate the patterns of behaviour that keep us from achieving the results we want in our lives, such as creating healthy relationships and happiness. Challenges that may seem daunting or impossible to overcome, like regret, anger and hurt, can be replaced with positive patterns that enable people to move forward and leave the past behind. This is the breakthrough that many families have been looking for and that may be the key to answering the question of how to get out of depression.

How depression affects relationships may soon be a thing of the past. Emotional healing and well-being are now at our doorsteps!

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