Saturday, November 12, 2011

5 Disastrous Online Dating Mistakes

Successful online dating is a lot like marketing a new product--it doesn't matter how good the product is if you can't get anyone to try it.

So what keeps women from "trying out" a guy using an online dating service? Usually it's the same handful of mistakes.

Avoid these online dating mistakes and you'll be already be ahead of at least half of your competition...

1) Opening with a physical compliment

When making first contact on an online dating site, never come right out of the gate with a compliment about a woman's attractiveness. This is counterproductive and makes you look weak and shallow.

Any time you contact a woman who has posted a profile picture, it's a given that you're attracted to her looks. So stop wasting valuable time on this. There are hundreds of losers online who are happy to make fawning compliments to an attractive woman. Yours will not impress.

A little bit of flattery is fine. Just keep it low-key and do it by mentioning something other than her beauty.

2) Mentioning your dating history in your profile

Your online dating profile is like an advertisement. And while you don't want to go over-the-top with positive comments about yourself, you also want to avoid sending a negative message.

If there's one area that guys shoot themselves in the foot, it's in going into great detail about their dating frustrations and failures. Avoid statements like, "I just can't seem to find the right person." Well, of course you haven't found the right person. Otherwise you wouldn't still be looking.

Everyone is in the same boat, so there's no need to get into details about divorces, bad breakups or anything else.

Remember, there is no longer a negative stigma attached to using online dating services. You don't have to justify it, excuse it, or even mention why you're meeting women this way. It's a tool, nothing more and nothing less.

3) Appearing desperate

If you want to have success in online dating, you have to present yourself as a prize worth winning. This starts with avoiding making desperate statements like, "I know I might not be your type, but I hope you give me a chance."

If you don't hear back after messaging a woman, don't immediately follow-up. Wait for a few days and send one and only one follow-up message. Likewise, avoid drunk messaging at all costs--you'll only end up looking foolish.

And finally, don't send messages at 3am on a Saturday night. It makes it look like you have nothing else going on in your life. If you have the discipline, it's best to avoid sending messages on Friday and Saturday all together.

4) Failing to post a profile photo

According to a study of online dating habits cited in the book, Freakonomics, women are eight times more likely to click a profile with a picture than one that doesn't have one. That's a stat you simply can't afford to ignore.

Failing to post a profile picture sends up a giant red flag for women. "What are you hiding?" they wonder. Don't fool yourself into thinking that your looks don't count. People want to quickly sift through potential dates quickly online. If you don't post a photo, they won't bother investigating further.

A lot of men don't post photos because they lack confidence in their looks. If you're one of them, don't let that be a deterrent.

Here are some online profile picture tips that'll get you the kind of attention you're looking for.

5) Choosing the wrong category

Just about every dating site has some type of "looking for" boxes to check when you sign up. If you want to maximize your dating options, always check both "dating" and "long term relationship."

Here's why: Checking only "long term relationship" makes you look needy while checking only "dating" or "just looking for fun" makes you look unserious or worse like some sort of sex crazed creeper.

For most women, there's a lot of wiggle room in these categories. A woman who wants a long term relationship might be willing to have a short term sexual fling under the right circumstances. A woman who "just wants to date" will always be open to a relationship if she finds the right guy.

So for you, it makes sense for you to play in both worlds by choosing both categories.

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Friday, November 11, 2011

How to Get a Woman to Fall in Love With You - Too Much Effort Equals Little Reward

When guys go about trying to make a woman fall in love with them, quite often, they end up experiencing something strange. Instead of getting more reward (her affection) for their efforts, it usually goes the other way around. Meaning, the more effort that they put into trying to win over a woman, the more likely it is that she will start to pull away from them or see them as being more of a friend. This is a concept that seems to baffle most guys, because it seems so counter intuitive to the way that you would think it should be.

Too Much Effort Equals Little Reward?

This is a pretty standard scenario for how a guy will proceed to try and make a woman fall in love with them. They first start off very heavy on the compliments, trying to win her over with flattery. As soon as that starts to work a little bit, they pull out all the stops. They might start spending money on her without even thinking twice about it. They might go to great lengths to do things that they think will totally impress her. And the more they do these things, the more she starts to seem distant.

The problem with this is, it starts to look more like a transaction than it does a natural course or path that leads to love. Meaning, the more effort, money and energy the guy spends... the more he expects to get back in return. That might be the way that it works when you invest money, or when you go to work and trade your time for money. When it comes to love, it just does not work out that way.

What works much better to make a woman fall in love with you?

Instead of seeing things as a transaction and expecting that more effort will automatically mean more return, you need to look at it in a much more dynamic way. You have to remember that the woman you are trying to make fall in love with you is an individual and the best way to make someone like you or love you is not to buy their affections it is to create a strong connection and a sense of rapport with her.

There is a reason why when a couple is really deeply in love, none of the material things really matter much, or why neither person keeps a scorecard of the other person's efforts. It's because they just LOVE the other person, no matter what they give and what they do. Keep that in mind the next time you get the impulse to spend lots of money on a woman or try and plan some grand action to make her fall in love with you. Work on building the rapport and the connection that she feels with you.

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Online Matrimony, A Boon to Modern India

A typical Indian wedding is much like a Bollywood movie that is celebrated with lots of music, dance and pomp. But before the celebrations begin, most Indian parents go through the inevitable dilemma of finding the right match for their children. Modern India has been able to effectively leverage from the internet age to build themselves a segment on internet portals that help parents; and prospective brides and grooms to optimize the benefits of the internet and find themselves the perfect math on an online matrimony website.

Technological Advances and its Impact on Indian Marriages

The technological advances have made online matrimony an extremely surging segment in the dot com sector. More and more prospective brides and grooms are registering themselves on these portals to find themselves a perfect match.

After spending sufficient time on a number of such web portals, you will realize that there are thousands of options for you in terms of choice of website that you can register on depending on your liking and pre-requisites in terms of the type of life partner that you are looking for.
Finding the Right Portal for your Needs

The internet consists of online matrimony websites that are generic as well as specific to religion, cast, region, profession etc. This is a fairly large leap from the conventional modes of finding you a partner which typically involved word of mouth in social circles, newspaper ads, middle men such as bureaus and brokers, etc. This technological advancement has definitely benefited a large segment of the Indian market that is constantly in need of the vast array of services that are being offered.

Tapping the NRI Segment

Additionally, consider the large number of youth that are moving out of the country for better career prospects. These segments of Indians are able to effectively benefit from internet matrimonial portals by gaining access to databases of an array of marriageable people. These portals allow people to browse through databases of thousands of registrants and contact the one's that interests them. On the other hand, it allows registrants to create profiles that can represent themselves online and effectively communicate with other people what it is that they are in search of exactly.

Breaking Social Barriers

Not only does this open doors for people to interact on a safe and secure platform but allows them to informally judge whether or not the people they get in touch with match their requirements or not, without having to actually worry about the social repercussions.

It is evident that irrespective of your background in terms of family, religion and profession, you are bound to find yourself a bride or groom that suites all your and your family member's requirements, from these wonderful internet based matrimonial tools. The overall progress in the value system of Indian families with the evolution of society in general has made it possible for such platforms to offer a vast number of benefits that make the entire match making process less stressful and more efficient for Indian families and their children.

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Single Men Looking For Married Women

Single men looking for married women are increasing in the last few years. Nowadays there are thousands of married women seeking men online. Best of all, free dating sites will help you find the perfect married woman without costing you a cent. A question that people ask is why you want to date married women? You know what? It is simple to answer, that is, you want a casual encounter, not a relationship. Such women hope to look for an intimate partner, not for a long-term relationship. To tell you the truth, such women are easy. You will get her at ease. They are more like to accept you because there is no competition.

Married women looking for men post their personal ads at online dating sites. Either paid or free dating websites are the place they sign up with. They usually don't post their photos on their profiles or have something to cover their real face. You should recognize such profiles. Remember, this type of dating is short-term so it is recommended that you use free dating sites to find such lady. You will have to go back there to find another one once you break up with this one. You don't need credit card to join and contact others. Married women don't want their husbands to know so they don't want to join paid dating services.

Married women looking for men online are easy and simple. Some of them have children and some don't. Most of them have husbands who travel away and get home a few days and then go away again. So, they are looking for men to fulfill these lonely nights of sexual urges. So, attracting these married women is easy. Some of them mention that they are either single or married on their profiles. What you need to do is to contact them as many as possible. Just go to free dating sites to sign up a profile and search for such ladies. Sometimes they are looking for local men or men who lives in different city. But if you go online, you will recognize them.

Single men looking for married women should understand that these ladies look for short-term dates. They are not seeking a relationship. They are seeking intimacy for short term. If you are one of these single men seeking married ladies, then you should take action to sign up with free online dating services. Remember, these married women don't want their husbands to know that they are looking so they don't want to use paid dating sites, because they have to enter their credit card information. They usually use free singles sites to find single men. Thousands of single married girls and women looking for men and guys are waiting on the Internet to meet you. Just join free singles dating sites to find your soul mate because you don't have to pay any membership fee. Online dating sites are the solution. Good luck and hope you will find an married girl for dating and marriage today. Good luck!

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Signs You Are in Love With a Man - 4 Signs That Let You Know That You Really Love Him

There is a new man in your life and you know that you get a "buzzing" feeling when you are around him. It's one of the best feelings in the world and you find that you are definitely intrigued by him a lot. You know that when it's time for the two of you to be together, you just can't seem to shake that smile off of your face. The thing is, how do you really know when you love a man? Are there some signs that will show you that you really are "there" and that he is the guy you love?

Here are 4 signs that show you are in love with a guy:

1) You only think of him in positive terms.

Try as hard as you might, you just cannot seem to find anything negative about him at all. It's almost as if he is perfect and you just cannot get enough of that perfection. While you probably know deep down that no man is perfect, when you are really falling for a guy, it certainly can seem that way. If you only think of him in positive terms, then there is a good chance that you are falling for him.

2) You talk about him non stop with your friends.

This is one of the more classic signs that you are starting to fall in love with a guy. When you are with your friends, no matter what subject comes up, it seems like he is the only one that you can talk about. While it may start to drive your friends a little bit crazy, this is a classic sign that you are really enamored by a guy.

3) You tease him all of the time, just for the fun of it.

Teasing is one of the most basic, yet universal signs that you are attracted to someone, and if this is something that you cannot seem to stop doing... you may be attracted to him on a deeper level. Of course, you can tease someone and not feel that way, but when you keep doing it for the fun of it, it may mean something more.

4) You are waiting to hear him say those three words to you.

This is when you really know that you are "there." When you dream about him saying those three words to you, when you can almost imagine his lips forming the words, I love you, then you probably need no more signs, it is pretty obvious.

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Monday, November 7, 2011

How To Find Out What a Man Thinks About Women

The way a man sees other women will influence his relationship with you. There are many women haters out there, more than you think. The truth is, most guys have a small degree of misogyny due to religion and patriarchy, which lasted over tens of thousands of years. You need about 20 good questions to ask a guy in order to determine his belief system in relation to women. 

It will take some time before ALL men will deeply cherish women and value them for their feminine, submissive and nurturing energy. If you are involved in a long distance relationship, these questions will really help you learn more about your long distance partner and they can be regarded as my long distance relationship advice to you.

Most physical things in the world are created by men, what do you believe "God" or the "Universe" created women for? What do you believe is their "equal" contribution to humanity?What is your relationship with your mother?Tell me about the last 3 fights with your mother and what they were all about?If you never ever had a great conflict with your mother, is it important what your mother thinks about the women you are dating?Is it difficult to do things against your mother suggestions?How many girlfriends have you had and how many women have you dated?Why did you break up with your past girlfriends?What are three things about women that piss you off?How many sexual partners have you had?When it comes to sexual activities do you like to dominate women? If you do, do you believe is important that your woman feels safe and loved after that? How do you make her feel that way?Is your woman's happiness and satisfaction on all levels important to you? Why?

What are your opinions on feminism?What do you think about the constant growth of women CEOs in the corporate and entrepreneurship world?Can you live your life without a woman by your side?What does a woman have to do in order to keep you happy?Could you accept the idea of your woman making 5 times more money than you do? Would you respect that?Let's say your woman hates to cook and to clean the house. What do you think about this?Let's say that you are out with your buddies and a great looking woman asks you to come home with her, what would be your response to that and what do you think of her?Would you mind letting your woman lead some parts of your relationship? For example let's say your woman is good at leading the sexual area, the house duties or the financial area.Why do you believe a woman needs a man?

No matter what the answers are, you will still receive a good amount of information, so you can decide for yourself if this is the kind of guy that will respect you or not. Don't be afraid to ask direct and to-the-point type of questions. The more direct the better. 

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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Unbiased Ex2 System Review

Problems come in different forms and shapes. If you are having problems with your relationship right now because of breakup, it is just normal. But don't fall into depression because that is where the problem becomes abnormal. If you are looking for a solution on how to restore the relationship, you can count on e-books that will provide you information about the techniques and strategies to get an ex back.

But to get the one that can meet your needs, you have to read reviews because they will tell you what is ideal and what is not. In this regard, you can try to read the Ex2 System review. This article will provide you with an unbiased review of this e-book.

Matt Hudson - Creator

The creator of this e-book is the relationship expert Matt Hudson. He used his expertise in psychology to solve the problems of people when it comes to their relationship. In this book, you can read the step by step ways on how you can take advantage of female psychology and her hot emotional buttons. So, you will be influenced on how to be a real man.

The Don'ts

There are things that you should not do right after the breakup. They are what you need to learn in order to ascertain your success in getting your ex back. Of course, to make sure that everything will be successful, there are also do's.

The other things that you will know are the secrets that you need to know to win back your ex and the ways on how to make her love you even more and never get dumped again.

Now that you already know what this guide can provide you, it is time to discover its advantages and disadvantages.

The Pros

According to the majority of users, this guide is complete that is why it is perfect to use. There is also a money back guarantee within the first 60 days of purchase. So, if this e-book is not working for you, you can still return it and have your money back. You will also feel satisfaction because of the special bonus guide entitled 'How To Train Your Girlfriend?'

The Cons

Yes, this guide uses lots of psychological tricks to get your ex back but some of them might be dirty. This is so far the only disadvantage of this book.

Hope this unbiased Ex2 System review helps.

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