Saturday, November 19, 2011

Does Love Have to Hurt Like This? Tips About How to Handle Mixed Signals From a Guy

It's hard to hear a woman describe love as being something that hurts or that stings or that totally confuses her. Yet, the sad fact is, it is also all too common to hear this description be used when a woman describes her relationship or her situation with a man. If you are feeling like it hurts, and kind of like you are getting mixed signals from a man, this article is something that you want It really does not have to be that way, and you can make it so that it does not feel that way anymore.

There is a big difference between feeling hurt because of the mixed signals that you are getting versus when a guy is being pretty intentional about playing around with your emotions. If he is being pretty intentional about it, then you may just have to find a way to move on and forget about him, because that really is just a form of emotional abuse. On the other hand, if all you are dealing with is a case of mixed signals from a guy, then you may be able to find a way to get through the confusion and find out what's really on his mind.

Here's how to handle mixed signals from a guy:

1. Do not take them to heart.

One of the best things that you can do for yourself is to just not take it to heart so much. I know that this is easier said than done, but sometimes you can really over think a situation and make it more dramatic than it has to be. He may not have any bad intentions at all, and you may just be over thinking things.

2. Give them back.

While you may not like the idea of playing games with a guy, sometimes it is the way that these things work best. If you are receiving mixed signals from a man, you may want to throw him off course a little bit and give him the same treatment. That may switch the dynamic up just enough to make him act differently and more direct.

3. Take the initiative.

One of the reasons why a guy will give mixed signals, is when he is not really sure about the way that YOU feel. He may be on the shy side, or he may be a little defensive about opening up and showing his true feelings If that is the cause, then you may want to take the initiative and be open about the way that you feel towards him.

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Definition of love

One of the most beautiful expression of love ever committed to the words found in the First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians: Love is patient, love is kind ... It is not selfish ... but rejoices in the truth ... Love never fails. The love is that feeling of unity and euphoria, is now a mysterious and mystifying. This is a great force that keeps our souls, but it is too many, perhaps most, a slippery concept. Except to see the truth, alone and lost - the best hope for the best has the experience, but the taste, a preview of an important part of breathing incomplete, impressive reality. Because love is all you need. But we know better, we oppose the forces of persuasion to divine inheritance. I can fix the blame, responsibility and demand, then the error; they cling to their hypocritical lies.

We tried desperately to love the wrong places. Faith in love, we try to save, so that we are worthy to take the love to us. In vain, arrogant, evil, we must love our whole being, when not to allow the safest way to discover what we want. Finding love can end in an instant. You will experience true love, get lost - giving the ego. Love is a moment in front of you drops the ego and embrace, even momentarily, unshakable truth - all is one. Growing through a thousand steps humble, rejecting the ego and allow the truth, which matures in the greatness that is love. Learning, sharing and giving, regardless of their ego to unify the whole. Perfect love is the byproduct of promoting the interests of the other. Each meeting of two hearts, each family situation, every workplace, every social, every chance meeting is an opportunity to create, express, and revealing the love. It is beyond you. It is an expression of love, and the harvest and a time to celebrate the reunification of the divided soul. Love is the disinterested pursuit of the benefits of self than anything else.

Love can be found via the expression of love - acting as a good second - are not equal. True love is an expression of another good indicator of an asset - the ultimate good. Love is offered and received in a simple gesture. Open to the Spirit of truth, and listen to that still small voice. Responsible for all aspects of your life, like love, humility and intentions are in the spirit of the law. I accept the conditions you encounter a scrolling Have you ever forward towards the goal in mind plans for you to understand peace and joy, filled full of love. Love is sweet, love is kind. Love is steadfast in its search for truth. While faith is accepting the hidden truth and hope to know a future promise, love binds the faith and hope in action. You are in a dynamic world, a reality that is constantly evolving and unlimited possibilities. Choose to express love, commitment to your mind and how to find your way.

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Intimacy Meditations

Lately, meditations center around Intimacy. The frequency of which it is longingly spoken of by both genders has been sucker punching me with astounding regularity in the last few months.

Love and IntimacyFear of IntimacyHow to achieve Intimacy

It is everywhere in the media, obnoxious in its ubiquity.  Clients talk about lacking it, friends chat about it in various public places and everyone, in a relationship or not, wants it or to somehow improve it.

As I listen deeply to the content of conversations around this most confusing of subjects, it becomes obvious that few really know what it is.  Some call manipulative jabbering intimacy, while others seem obsessed with domesticating it and yoking to a predetermined course.  Almost all think of intimacy in terms of a romantic relationship and nothing else.

In any event, few possess the knowledge that true intimacy requires; that real intimacy is about being in that moment fully active and present with all that is happening within you and around you.  Real intimacy is not about some supposedly advanced Tantric sexual technique or  artificial "I feel.." statements.  These are delusions of closeness, prostituted and pimped out as the real thing. It is the quick fix for those seeking the easy route to intimacy.

When Intimacy is applied to love, it should be simple to be in that moment with your lover, to hear his breath, to absorb the sight of his long thighs and to be delighted with the playful idea that they seemingly are as long as your arms.  Or see her beautiful neck, swooping down into a graceful curved shoulder and to deeply appreciate the art of it.  And this is it; true intimacy, particularly in the context of love, is gratitude and wonder.  Simple to say and yet there is so much more depth beyond the superficial meaning of the mere words we all utter on these occasions.

Words make it difficult to tune out our chattering monkey mind so we can be really intimate with what our lover is. Our lover drowns in a barrage of our needy words and we choke ourselves with these meaningless sounds.  Noisy mental interference is why most people never achieve the even the basic moments of intimacy so desperately yearned for and sought so greedily.  For like spoiled toddlers,  we whine and cry for more, more, gimme more!  We can't hear any thing else over all our loud screaming except those fearful internal voices shouting out about getting their needs met.  Howling loudly for our lover's attention, we get nothing but empty promises to pacify us, just for time being.  Sadly, this is what passes for intimacy in most relationships: the mistaken idea that this type of empty verbal communication is communion with another human soul, that sexuality is an adjunct to this silly chatter.

Entitlement also masquerades as Intimacy.  "I've told you my secrets, so now you owe it to me to tell me yours"  becomes the battle cry for possessiveness, a close ally of entitlement.  A false ownership occurs once these exchanges happen, particularly if that ownership becomes codified by legal documentation. Between humans, intimacy is a gift that means nothing if not given freely.  It is wild and not likely to survive enforced domesticity or coercive monogamy.  I know of no surer way to kill an intimate relationship of any sort than to demand some one be more open to you or insist they are too wary or fearful of intimacy for your tastes.  That is our fear speaking, our insecurities and not theirs.  This too is not truly intimacy.

Intimacy must occur within our own selves with all things in both our inner and outer worlds before it can ignite with another human.  Then it becomes a rare and precious gift that lasts but a single spontaneous moment and is enough to nourish for a life time.  Once given, it is not obligatory for that other person to be in our life for the rest of theirs. They have delivered their priceless gift to you; appreciate it for its specialness and rarity.  Do not demand a school girl or boy fantasy in which intimacy of this sort is a routine event. This is not what a lover, spouse or friend does, not really.  It is, however, what pop culture sells and we lazily buy for gospel truth.

My contemplative answer to the intimacy issue: be aware, be kind and be grateful.  No one owes you love or intimacy and there is no honest formula for obtaining it from them.  Let it happen out of spontaneity, let it be freely given and deeply felt.  Develop your own intimacy with life, an intimacy as singular and unique as you are. Perhaps then, and only then, you will then be graced with a most wonderful treasure - a moment of true intimacy with another human being.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Relationship Breakups: The Grief Stages of Couple Separation

Couples who have experienced a painfulrelationship breakup will often go through several stages as they cope with their loss. As the acclaimed psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross puts it, the stages of grieving chronicles how a person feels and copes during a relationship breakup.

As you read these stages, it's important to remember that this is not a linear process where a person will go through one stage at a time. Human beings are complex and can experience many feelings at the same time or not feel some of these things at all. Think of these stages as possible feelings that may come up for you when you end a relationship.

First Stage: Denial

The feeling:

At this point, you may block unwanted feelings or turn off their emotions.  There is a strong feeling of refutation that the relationship has ended, and you unwillingly hold on to the thought that the separation is just a phase. You may do everything possible to bring the relationship back to the way it was.

How to cope:

Denial is a stage that may or may not come again even after being able to move on to the succeeding stages. It is important that there is a mutual acknowledgement between both parties about the separation. After all, acknowledging that a problem exists is the first helpful step to properly cope with the breakup. As such, it is important to convince yourself that in spite of therelationship breakup, there are other things that you need to prioritise like school, work or leisure.

Second Stage: Anger

The feeling:

This occurs when you finally understand that the breakup is real. Whether you are angry with yourself or furious at your ex-partner for not keeping the relationship strong, anger is a normal feeling in emotionally stressful experiences. Although sometimes people refuse to acknowledge their anger, it is necessary to release all angry emotions.

How to deal:

It is important to let all your emotions go, rather than keeping all negative feelings inside. Bottling them up will make you burst into rage at any time when there is a trigger. Channel your anger through different recreational activities, such as exercising, painting and singing. Counselling or therapy is another anger management strategy that you can employ. By doing counselling, you are able to truly recognise your feelings and maybe even trace the roots of your anger.

Third Stage: Bargaining

The feeling:

Feelings of bargaining are easily assessed during a relationship breakup. This happens when compromises are made for the benefit of rebuilding the relationship. The affected person may think about making a deal with a supernatural being, or may consider talking with the ex-partner to make promises so that things can go back to how they were before. There is a strong tendency to converse with the ex-partner about working out the many issues and concerns that led to the breakup. Oftentimes, bargaining gives a reassuring feeling that the relationship can still be mended.

How to deal:

Find new activities to keep yourself busy. Being preoccupied with other things will keep your mind from the breakup. Instead of bargaining, try to rationalise the situation and explore why the relationship did not work out in some aspects. Recognising the reality of the problem is the key to proper coping.

Fourth Stage: Depression

The feeling:

Oftentimes when the bargaining does not work, you can fall into despair with the realisation that the relationship cannot be fixed. This stage sets in when there is a clear understanding that the relationship is indeed "over". Extreme feelings of sadness and loneliness consume the affected person, as well as a general loss of interest in many activities of daily living.

How to deal:

Depression is the best time to use all the effective coping mechanisms, as it is during this time that you may feel extremely down. It is important to reflect on why the breakup has happened, and noting the aspects that led to the separation.

Doing something new and continuing usual activities are recommended to maintain a normal living. Withdrawing yourself from the world is generally not advised, as it's important to spend time with your loved ones to reinforce social coping. Counselling or therapy is also an effective way to express your depressed feelings.

Fifth Stage: Acceptance

The feeling:

In this final stage, there is a willingness to finally let go and move on with life. You have fully comprehended that it is normal to feel hurt, and that the relationship breakup brings a whole new meaning for you.

How to deal:

By finally accepting the whole experience, you can now be the best person you can be. This is the best time to meet new friends and to mingle with a new crowd. Nevertheless, it's wise to know your limits and enjoy new experiences one step at a time. After all, one painful relationship breakup should not stop you to feel happy with the next.

Couple separation happens all the time to many people. Learning the stages of grief and how they apply during a relationship breakup will indeed help any person cope with a painful experience.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Get Him to Chase You Down the Path of Love!

Instead of feeling like you have to wait until he is ready or instead of feeling like you have to chase after him, would it not be much better to find a way to get him to chase you down the path of love? Of course, you know that would feel much better. You would not have to feel so insecure. You would not have to wonder what he is really thinking or what he is really up to. You would be able to just know that he does indeed really feel that way about you.

Everyone likes to feel like they are being chased after. It makes you feel good to know that you are desirable enough to make a man want to chase after you. Most women don't get to have that feeling, though. They spend too much time thinking and wondering about whether or not the guy really likes them or what they can do to make them feel that way.

Here is how you can get him to chase you down the path of love:

1) Signal your interest in him at first, but then take it away a little bit.

To get a man to want to chase after you, you have to kind of bait him. Showing him a little bit of initial interest, and then acting like maybe you don't feel that way is usually good enough to get him wanting you. That's all you need to get things started. You need to have him feeling as though he really wants you.

2) Flirt with him in a way that encourages him to flirt back at you.

The game of flirting with a man can be fun and it also can be a very good way to give him that initial burst of energy that he needs to feel like you might be the one for him. You want to flirt with him in a way that encourages him to flirt back, because you don't want to make it seem like it is one sided.

3) Show him just enough sexiness to get him hooked.

A man needs to see that sexy side if you really want to get him to feel like he is going to chase you down the path of love. The key word here is balance. You don't want to have him see too much of a sexy side of you, because then that leaves to little to the imagination and does not really light up that desire that he needs to feel.

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Monday, November 14, 2011

How to planning a Affordable Wedding

First, how do you planning a low cost wedding? Simple, save your money. That is the gist of it. The wedding ceremony industry is a billion dollar a year industry and you can very easily get engaged in the wave of spending a lot of money on your wedding. Planning can be very difficult for some and it can put a great deal of stress on you. There is no need to get tense as this is your dream come true.

When putting together a low cost wedding you first of all must work on a budget. A budget is important to the sum of money you spend. Always remember regardless of what your allowance is, it doesn't indicate you need to spend each penny allowed. Try to be realistic and smart.

Once you have your allowance you can start planning a low cost wedding. These are a few of the most important aspects that enter your affordable wedding:

Cheap Wedding Dresses
Cheap Wedding Decorations
Cheap Wedding Gifts Cheap Wedding Favors
Cheap Wedding Reception
Cheap Wedding Flowers
Cheap Wedding Cake
Cheap Wedding Invitations
Cheap Wedding Accessories
And more...

With all the added necessities it is time to start planning a low cost wedding. Take each factor and begin doing some research. You can locate many prepared to buy packages at Online there are many companies all over the US offering great deals on everything needed. You might live in a relatively wealthy area and all shops near you could be rather expensive. So shopping on the Internet is a great alternative.

When looking at a dress you don't have to spend a great deal of money to find something that is utterly gorgeous. Many designers can charge over $5,000 for a dress, that is way too expensive. You can find a dress that looks like a designer dress for half the price on the internet or a department shop. Do not fall into the trap thinking more expensive is better, simple and affordable is much better.

Your wedding location alone can save you massive sums of money when planning a low cost wedding. When putting together a low cost wedding you should keep a binder with all the information you gather. Keep everything organized and easy to find. This way you can do a side by side comparison of different gifts, favors, reception areas and check out pricing. This is your wedding planner and lots of people will endeavor to chime in and give their thoughts. That is a great thing but just remember it is about you and your fiancé, not them. So take a deep breath and take always keep your options open. It is time to put more into your marriage and less into your wedding.  

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

10 Reasons Why Someone Won't Commit in a Relationship

There are many reasons why someone won't commit in a relationship. Some are valid and good reasons. Some are completely understandable. Other reasons are a lot more shallow and a lot less understandable. If you are currently dealing with someone who just won't seem to make that commitment to you, then you may want to know what possible reasons there could be for this.

Here are 10 reasons why someone won't commit in a relationship:

1) They are commitment phobic.

Some people really feel strongly about commitment and they have a strong fear of it. With this kind of a person, it is going to be really difficult to ever change their mind and make them want to settle down. They have to come to the realization on their own that this is what they want.

2) They are too involved with their work.

Yes, people do choose work over love and relationships all of the time. Maybe the one you want is a go getter and they are merely focused on getting further in their job. If this is the case, then you may want to realize that they see the work as being priority number one.

3) They have bad relationship experiences.

Someone who has made a commitment before and had it turn out badly will usually be a lot more hesitant to do it again. With this kind of situation, time may be the best thing for you. The more time that you give them, the more likely it is that they will one day get over their past issues.

4) They are seeing someone besides you.

The person that you are seeing just might be seeing someone else on the side and this is why they don't want to settle into just one relationship. This can be hard to deal with, because it can be a long while before they choose who they want to be with.

5) You have strong religious differences.

For some people, religious views can be a make or break issue in a relationship and can cause them to want to hesitate. If this is the way that it is, then you may just have to deal with the fact that it will never happen.

6) They don't think that you are capable of committing.

One of the reasons why someone may not want to commit to another is if they are worried that you might not be able to hold up your end. If this is the case, then trust is an issue that has to be dealt with.

7) Things are moving too fast.

Everyone has their own pace that they feel comfortable with. For some people, they even have a set timeline of when they think certain things should happen. This may mean that you just have to respect their wishes and wait them out.

8) There are big political differences.

Politics can be another issue that can cause someone to balk at settling down. If the one that you are dating is strongly opposed to your political ideas, they might just assume that things will not work out for the long term.

9) They want to have a family and you don't.

The issue of whether or not you will end up raising a family can also be a deal breaker. People who want to have children certainly do not want to end up with someone who does not want that.

10) They are not nearly as deep into the relationship as you are.

Just because you feel like you want to settle down, it does not mean that the other person feels that way about you. We have a tendency to assume that the other person in a relationship feels the same way we do, but that is not always the case.

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