Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Get Him to Chase You Down the Path of Love!

Instead of feeling like you have to wait until he is ready or instead of feeling like you have to chase after him, would it not be much better to find a way to get him to chase you down the path of love? Of course, you know that would feel much better. You would not have to feel so insecure. You would not have to wonder what he is really thinking or what he is really up to. You would be able to just know that he does indeed really feel that way about you.

Everyone likes to feel like they are being chased after. It makes you feel good to know that you are desirable enough to make a man want to chase after you. Most women don't get to have that feeling, though. They spend too much time thinking and wondering about whether or not the guy really likes them or what they can do to make them feel that way.

Here is how you can get him to chase you down the path of love:

1) Signal your interest in him at first, but then take it away a little bit.

To get a man to want to chase after you, you have to kind of bait him. Showing him a little bit of initial interest, and then acting like maybe you don't feel that way is usually good enough to get him wanting you. That's all you need to get things started. You need to have him feeling as though he really wants you.

2) Flirt with him in a way that encourages him to flirt back at you.

The game of flirting with a man can be fun and it also can be a very good way to give him that initial burst of energy that he needs to feel like you might be the one for him. You want to flirt with him in a way that encourages him to flirt back, because you don't want to make it seem like it is one sided.

3) Show him just enough sexiness to get him hooked.

A man needs to see that sexy side if you really want to get him to feel like he is going to chase you down the path of love. The key word here is balance. You don't want to have him see too much of a sexy side of you, because then that leaves to little to the imagination and does not really light up that desire that he needs to feel.

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