Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Servashu Manglam Seva Trust

Help the nation, help yourself through National Integration and Educational help

India was in servitude for a long span of time and now that the nation has managed to free itself from the shackles of slavery and has given its reins to the citizens of this country, one should have expected India to carve a niche for itself among its counterparts on a worldwide basis, given the bounties India has been blessed with. But unfortunately or not, the country is yet to showcase to the world its hidden prowess. Before that, let us first try to unite the people of this country which boasts of having the second largest population of the world .

Let us first try to overcome the various disruptive issues which come up every now and then in a country inhabited by probably the largest variety of people and by variety let us specify caste, religion and not to forget creed. Without being told, it is understood that the call of the hour is National Integration. The need to unite the people from different walks of life of this country into a single united thread so that the problems faced by us and by this country can be solved at the earliest.

National Integration needs to be taught and enforced not only on people who understand it but also on people who will grow up to understand it. It needs to be taught to the children from an early age when they can imbibe the true meaning of National Integration and not grow up to become individuals who discriminate or distinguish people on the basis of color of their skin or on the basis of the gods they worship and languages they speak.

And to make the effects of national integration more relevant, educational help needs to be provided to people to enable them to make themselves aware of not just worldly happenings but also to open their eyes to a whole new gamut of experiences and events that only an educated mind can see and decipher. Educational help holds a prime importance these days when on the sole basis of right education, villages have been revolutionized, dreams have been given wings and ignorance has been shown the door.

An educated man is a man looked up to and for those unable to make the right choice of education for them, education help is being made available to help them pick the suitable course.
An educated India and a united India should be the goals of every responsible citizen of India and National Integration and educational help are the tools that are bound to enable us to reach that goal!!!

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