Friday, November 11, 2011

How to Get a Woman to Fall in Love With You - Too Much Effort Equals Little Reward

When guys go about trying to make a woman fall in love with them, quite often, they end up experiencing something strange. Instead of getting more reward (her affection) for their efforts, it usually goes the other way around. Meaning, the more effort that they put into trying to win over a woman, the more likely it is that she will start to pull away from them or see them as being more of a friend. This is a concept that seems to baffle most guys, because it seems so counter intuitive to the way that you would think it should be.

Too Much Effort Equals Little Reward?

This is a pretty standard scenario for how a guy will proceed to try and make a woman fall in love with them. They first start off very heavy on the compliments, trying to win her over with flattery. As soon as that starts to work a little bit, they pull out all the stops. They might start spending money on her without even thinking twice about it. They might go to great lengths to do things that they think will totally impress her. And the more they do these things, the more she starts to seem distant.

The problem with this is, it starts to look more like a transaction than it does a natural course or path that leads to love. Meaning, the more effort, money and energy the guy spends... the more he expects to get back in return. That might be the way that it works when you invest money, or when you go to work and trade your time for money. When it comes to love, it just does not work out that way.

What works much better to make a woman fall in love with you?

Instead of seeing things as a transaction and expecting that more effort will automatically mean more return, you need to look at it in a much more dynamic way. You have to remember that the woman you are trying to make fall in love with you is an individual and the best way to make someone like you or love you is not to buy their affections it is to create a strong connection and a sense of rapport with her.

There is a reason why when a couple is really deeply in love, none of the material things really matter much, or why neither person keeps a scorecard of the other person's efforts. It's because they just LOVE the other person, no matter what they give and what they do. Keep that in mind the next time you get the impulse to spend lots of money on a woman or try and plan some grand action to make her fall in love with you. Work on building the rapport and the connection that she feels with you.

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