Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Signs You Are in Love With a Man - 4 Signs That Let You Know That You Really Love Him

There is a new man in your life and you know that you get a "buzzing" feeling when you are around him. It's one of the best feelings in the world and you find that you are definitely intrigued by him a lot. You know that when it's time for the two of you to be together, you just can't seem to shake that smile off of your face. The thing is, how do you really know when you love a man? Are there some signs that will show you that you really are "there" and that he is the guy you love?

Here are 4 signs that show you are in love with a guy:

1) You only think of him in positive terms.

Try as hard as you might, you just cannot seem to find anything negative about him at all. It's almost as if he is perfect and you just cannot get enough of that perfection. While you probably know deep down that no man is perfect, when you are really falling for a guy, it certainly can seem that way. If you only think of him in positive terms, then there is a good chance that you are falling for him.

2) You talk about him non stop with your friends.

This is one of the more classic signs that you are starting to fall in love with a guy. When you are with your friends, no matter what subject comes up, it seems like he is the only one that you can talk about. While it may start to drive your friends a little bit crazy, this is a classic sign that you are really enamored by a guy.

3) You tease him all of the time, just for the fun of it.

Teasing is one of the most basic, yet universal signs that you are attracted to someone, and if this is something that you cannot seem to stop doing... you may be attracted to him on a deeper level. Of course, you can tease someone and not feel that way, but when you keep doing it for the fun of it, it may mean something more.

4) You are waiting to hear him say those three words to you.

This is when you really know that you are "there." When you dream about him saying those three words to you, when you can almost imagine his lips forming the words, I love you, then you probably need no more signs, it is pretty obvious.

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